Renegade Morning Show 11-22-19


In studio today we had a live band! The Men of the midnight Sea, featuring Bryan McNaughton, Phil Bailant, Danny Vitelli, Nate Levas, and Andrew Cappello, played one of their original songs.

Chris MacConnach (Left) and Tyler Omans (Right) after the first Technical Rehearsal

Today we also had 2 first time Renegade Morning Show hosts in our 2019-2020 Season: Tyler Omans and Chris MacConnach. Great job to the two of them!

Scott Minshall (Left) interviewing the blue crew

Sticking with the theme of giving shout outs, thank you to two members of Shawnee’s Blue Crew for coming down and telling us about tonight’s football game. Also great job to our live host, Scott Minshall as well

Imagery from Robert Dovi’s segment

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, Shawnee was having our annual can drive. Robert Dovi went out and asked Mrs. Fan all the details and how we can help.

Wyatt Van Parys drinking the root beer after Jade Reader said she loved all Disney movies

Wyatt Van Parys went around the school asking everyone their favorite movie. However, if they said a Disney movie, he had to take a sip of his root beer, aka his least favorite drink.

Behind the scenes watching Wyatt’s segment.
Featuring the head of Alex Falkenstein (Bottom left) and the shoulder of Darren West (the entire right side of the picture)

Great Job to every Producer, Host, Interviewee, Interviewer, Camera Operator, Audio Engineer, Director, Technical Director, Teleprompter Operator, Floor Manager, Line Producer, Production Assistant, and Musician that helped the show run smooth today!