Fine Art Fiasco


Grayson Meyers is a curious, starving artist who comes across his favorite painter’s art gallery. Watch Grayson’s clumsy adventure unfold after his curiosity takes him too far… ”

Fine Art Fiasco” is a short film produced by the young filmmakers of Shawnee High School’s TV Tech 3 class. Between writing the script (writers Dylan Tollefson and Nadiv Steinberg), filming, and editing, the film only took three weeks to complete.


Grayson Meyers – Mike Buoni

Auctioneer – Scott Hoover

Art Enthusiast – Brian Pistone

Gustavo Martinez – PJ Bracco

Crew Directors – Dylan Tollefson Nadiv Steinberg Veronica Robertson Brian Pistone

Writers – Dylan Tollefson Nadiv Steinberg

Script Advisor – Mike Casey

Executive Producer – Brian Pistone

Producers – Veronica Robertson Sean Herb Matt Mathis Owen Volkerijk Jack Byrne

Storyboard Artists – Dylan Tollefson Nadiv Steinberg Jack Byrne

Director of Photography – Dylan Tollefson

Gaffer – Brian Pistone

Assistant Gaffer – Sean Herb

Editor – Dylan Tollefson

Colorists – Dylan Tollefson Brian Pistone

Music/Sound Design – Brian Pistone Nadiv Steinberg

Art Design – Maylee Wolf