New Old Video – RMS Season 1


We dug deep into the archives for these videos. Back by popular demand, we found two episodes from Season 1 of the Renegade Morning Show.

  • This classic from May of 2002 features hosts Peyton Ebbeson(’03) and Andrew Hess(’02) who also provides a 70’s style disco opening. Mike Tambini(’03) add sports, Anthony Bongrazio(’02) with weather, and the the trivia squad. Dave Vendette(’03). produced a special “Survivor” opening. Click to View.
  • Episode 15 features Mike Virgilio(’02) and Jake Schwing (’02) as hosts. Anthony Bongrazio(’02) adds lunch, Scott Buttocolla(’03) provides weather, and the trivia squad, under the direction of Mike Daly attemps to boggle the minds of the Shawnee student body. Click to view.