The Renegade Morning: Happy Valentines Day!

On this week's show, hosted by Kelsey Haines and Sam Mitchell, Sean Scannel's new introduction graphic aired and it ROCKED! Austin Marsdale educates us...

2/7/14 Shawnee Wrestling, Singing Valentines, and Superbowl Ads

This week's show was hosted by Brandon Harris and Sam Mitchell. We took a look at Shawnee's wresting match. There was a promo for...

1/31/14 One and done.

January's last show was hosted by Evan Johnson and Kelsey Haines. Due to midterms, we only had time for one segment documenting LDTV by...

1/27/14 The Shawnee Vault, Puns, and Midterms

This week's show was hosted by Kevin Jung and Veronica Robertson. Kevin Jung asked Shawnee about the "Shawnee Vault". Justin Boswick and Lisa Capasso...

RMS 1/10/14 Photo Show, Favorite Movie Quote, New Years Plan, and...

In this weeks show Austin Wheeler recapped some of the photos displayed and the photo clubs Photo Show. Chris Guiseppinni asked students what their...

2013 Holiday Show!

The last show of 2013 was hosted by Katie Carr and Kevin Jung. We saw a recap of Shawnee TV's bowling night. Alex White...

Shawnee TV @ WHYY Philadelphia!

Shawnee TV produced this RMS at WHYY in Philadelphia on Wednesday! This week's show is hosted by Kelsey Haines and Brandon Harris. Sam Mitchell...

Shawnee Extra- Fall Edition 2013

0:17 Chris Herren 3:19 Shawnee TV 5:29 Marching Band 7:38 Cheerleading 9:51 Field Hockey 11:35 Men's Choir 13:45 Kids for Wish Kids 15:55 Green Dot 18:11 Fall Drama 20:22 Photo Club 22:42 DECA 24:50 Student...

Live blog WHYY trip!

Check out our live blog:

Bowling Night, Billionaires, and the Shawnee Car Line

This weeks show was hosted by Austin Wheeler and Ali Reid. Chris Giuseppini promoted the Shawnee TV bowling night and asked Shawnee students what...