Freshman Edition
Friday's Morning Show was hosted by freshmen Becca Sims and Irene Roman. The opening was created by Alyssa Marsdale, a birthday wish to Rose...
Kyle and Lee’s Recycling PSA
Click to download Podcast MPEG4 version of the recycling video.
Tuesday Morning Show?
Due to post Wing Bowl stress syndrome and a couple broken bones, Alex Bradford and Liz Roman hosted a rare Tuesday edition of the...
Super Sized Morning Show
HSPA week brings our yearly Super-Sized Morning Show, which runs for an hour and six minutes. A variety of segments were all included in...
Pippin and Black Out
Friday's show, hosted by Nik Tama and Brian Albert, was very timely with the latest events at Shawnee. Kyle Grzeszczak and senior Lee Connoly...
Pippin Preview and the Black Out
Friday's show, hosted by Kyle Grzeszczak and Brian Alber, was very timely with the latest events at Shawnee. Kyle and senior Lee Connoly covered...
Olympics and Wing Bowl II
The two events causing the biggest buzz at Shawnee High School are both featured on this week's show. Nik Tama takes the torch through...
February 2006
This month edition, highlighting a few of the brightest students in Shawnee, talks with Freshman Georgia Hansen, Sophomore Karly Butler, Junior Andrew Massaro, and...
Valentine’s Day wrap-up
Friday's show had a Valentine opening and closing with the show hosted by Brad Woodend and CJ Brittingham. Brad also covered sports with an...
A New Desoto Jones
This week's show was hosted by first time hosts Candace Rush and Jenna Kedersha. The show opened with a performance by a Desoto Jones...