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  • in reply to: 10-1-19 Week Planning #2215

      Back to school night Thursday, crew for RMS Seg?

      Great job with the seg, thanks Rob, Matt, John, Steven, Darren!

      1. Reach! Emails- book successful people in the broadcast industry.
      Scott! Ready Go!
      2. STV promo- see whiteboard and Pistone for direction.
      Need to start shooting daily, get some momentum…
      3. Week of Respect Edits-Assign producers on whiteboard for Week of Respect edits, get approvals and test on tricaster.
      Test the Monday seg today, get all other segs approved and on Tricaster. I approved Darren and Rob so far.
      4. Darren- Vaping PSA edits (B2S night, RMS Friday, LDTV Youtube) Do we want to take it a step further and make a better seg? get approvals and test on tricaster.
      Great job Darren! Pushing to LDTV for youtube.
      5. John- Shawnee TV Live Event sheet update all dates, put in Shawnee TV calendar.
      Send emails to advisors listed if it’s not yet on the school calendar.
      6. Everyone- Touch base with each producer, “do you have a script?”
      How’s this going?
      7. Fix CCU- com for camera 3
      8. RMS seg content checklist. We need scripts in each content area approved and in production every week:
      I see this on the white board, good work, the show was well rounded, nice job to all segment producers and Rob as show producer!

      -school coverage/ promo
      -Depth seg- informational, motivational, philosophical

      9. Character Counts FCCLA, need editors, shooting during L&L
      Need to get this up to server and assigned to editors for the wake up shows in 2 weeks.

      in reply to: Wake Up Ideas #2179

        Mr. H and I discussed our show rundown, we need to update the following:

        1. Tighten up the script: Yankee candle, not every day, maybe talk to advisor and get them to put info on their website to simplify, but still not every day til January.
        2. 1-2 times a week, live other set segment- think sports or current events; like 5 things; maybe we can use laptop over network live.
        3. Shawnee TV promo for meetings with a fun event each week?

        in reply to: Wake Up Ideas #2093

          Working on Graphics during L&L tomorrow. Officers meet in ITV room for Week of Respect/Upstander preproduction.

          • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by bpistone.
          in reply to: New Member Orientation Workshop #1866

            Segs hit the ground running bootcamp.

            “We are here because…”

              we make videos for RMS
              LDTV sports live
              STV live and remote productions.
            in reply to: Wake Up Ideas #1862

              regular sports? regular segs? World around us? weather? out in the classrooms?

              in reply to: 6-4-18 Wishlist #1817

                Follow Focus
                Gaffer tape
                Power for Samurai

                • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by bpistone.
                • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by bpistone.

                  We need to test the feed this week, maybe today?

                Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)