The Halloween Show 2011


The Renegade Morning Show hosted it’s longest and spookiest show of the year! Kara Tabor and Megan Swiatkowski hosted while Lauren Carr and Drew Wellenbusher interviewed people out in the hallway. Ryan Farrell and Mike Moraglia recreated last year’s segment where they scared people and got as many different reactions as possible. Ryan Snowden was responsible for our awesome graphics throughout the show. Chris Biehn made a top ten list of his most scary movies ever and Mike Moraglia made a segment on scared faces. We took a look at the scarecrows on Main Street courtesy Maddie McHugh and Chris James and Don Kelly created a promo for the school’s drama, the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Also, the Halloween Parade came by and you’ll be able to see plenty of awesome costumes. Hope you had a great Halloween!

Click to watch the Full Show!