Blue and White Night Promos!


This weeks edition of the Renegade Morning Show focused on promos for Blue and White Night! Lauren Mathis of the Blue Team co-hosts with Mikey Conover who where the Bubblesuit of the future (the White team’s theme) fashioned by the delightful Mrs. Ware! Thanks so much for the help (I know you’re reading this)! More on that in a sec, but this week, we’ve brought back Andy Kirkwood’s “Youtube Video of The Week,” along with friend Max Smith. The duo asks Shawnee what Youtube videos are there favorite and the results were hilarious! Connor Hanes introduces the 3rd “Wacky Sill of The Week”! It’s quite a fascinating skill! To close the show, the battle of Blue and White Night promos pursued! Megan Swiatkowski raised the Blue Teams’ spirit with a Man on The Street Style promo, and Brett Yoncak provoked the White Team with his Blue Team Beat Box! To the White Teams defense, they found some embarrassing footage of a blue team member dancing in the bubblesuit!

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